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how to study physiology

How to Study Physiology

Newsletter How to Study Physiology? What is Physiology? Physiology is the scientific study of a living system’s functions and mechanisms. We explore the mechanical, physical, and biochemical changes that occur inside a typical, healthy human body. Physiology is a subject in which you must understand the process rather than remember concepts. Therefore, if you plan to study Physiology, you should also be familiar with Anatomy, as the two are interconnected. Physiology, on the other hand, is one of the most important subjects to study if you’re a student of medicine, nursing, or any other health-related study that involves human lives. Because you need to know why a patient is showing specific clinical signs and symptoms, as well as why you’re conducting particular investigations and treatment. How to study Physiology? In medical school, physiology is one of the more challenging but interesting subjects. Your physiology knowledge will help you throughout your career, and it may even save someone’s life one day. We’ve broken down all of the most effective ways to study Physiology so you can cut your study time in half and retain more information so you can ace your tests. 1) Create a suitable environment to study You can enhance your academic success by creating a suitable learning environment. A productive outcome will be achieved through a combination of effective time management, excellent reading, and note-taking abilities, drawing abilities, developing appropriate test-taking techniques, and hard work. Identify all of the distractions in your surrounding that are interfering with your concentration. STARVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS, FEED YOUR FOCUS! That’s the key to success. 2) Know your basic Anatomy & Physiology Keep in mind! Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology are not only useful for tests; they’re also useful in everyday life. You don’t need to be an expert in Anatomy and Physiology to understand what happens inside the body during illness. If you’re studying the Physiology of the Brain this week, just recall the basic anatomical structure of the brain, surrounding structures, blood supply, and how the areas of the brain influence each function and the physiology of the brain. So, when your professor lectures about stroke in class, you’ll be able to understand how a blood clot restricts the cerebral artery and how it affects the functions of the brain. Download Pathophysiology & Clinical Medicine Flashcards eBook Sample of Pathophysiology Made Easy Flashcards eBook 3) Know the teaching style of your professor! Every professor has their own teaching style. Some professors may provide you with study notes prior to lectures so that you may get a general idea about what to prepare. Some lecturers want students to learn independently through textbooks and research. You can ask your seniors how they studied the subject if you have such lecturers. Some lecturers assign coursework and assignments based on the knowledge that is evaluated mainly through exams. As a result, you should concentrate more on such topics and questions. 4) Organize resources for studies There are numerous resources available to assist you in your academic endeavors. To enhance your studying performance and reinforce the concepts in Physiology, you should use all of the resources and a variety of learning approaches. You can take advantage of your textbooks, class handouts, reading materials, lab material your professor provides, and also there are many Online Study Resources & Notes that are accessible to students. Textbooks: For your studies, always use standard textbooks. They give you resources that are quite trustworthy. Because you can clear up any unanswered doubts or brush up on a chapter you’re unfamiliar with. Reading materials: You should always study your university’s reading materials and notes. Because they will give you chapter-by-chapter notes on what you need to know for your tests. Google: For any topic, Google is always our best friend. To make learning easier, you can look up mnemonics, infographics, and word associations. However, always make sure you’re referring to reliable sources. Because not everything you find on the internet is 100% accurate. For high-quality and reliable information, I always use and recommend websites like Medscape, PubMed, and MayoClinic. YouTube: There are a variety of YouTubers who make learning more fun. On YouTube, many complex issues in physiology are described in an understandable manner. This is particularly beneficial for students who are visual or auditory learners. You can gain access to our Medical Resources Library, which has over 300 medical presentations and other medical resources that will benefit you throughout your career. Get Access to Medical Resources Library Some slides from the presentations from our Medical Resources Library 5) Don’t just memorize the theories; Understand IT! You won’t be able to memorize facts if you don’t understand them. You can create a diagram with all of the mechanisms and a study sheet for each disease. If you attempt to memorize the facts, you will quickly forget them. Therefore, you must understand the physiological processes involved in disease. 6) Take Notes You will not remember all you hear, but writing notes will help you in remembering more. You may not understand all your professor says in class at sometimes. However, when you come back home and study your notes, you will have a better understanding of it. These notes will be extremely beneficial in understanding the topics presented in books and in your institute’s reading materials. These notes are also the best way of getting excellent grades on your tests. Before your exams, you can concentrate more on these notes, and they will help you answer MCQs based on theories not included in your textbooks. Professors may also tell you about memorizing techniques they’ve used in the past, which will help you revise the subject more effectively if you write them down. Physiology is a challenging yet exciting subject. Taking good notes on your own, on the other hand, will help you do well in exams and in your clinical practice. 7) Make some good flashcards  Physiology is one of the most essential and major subjects in medical, dentistry, and nursing school. You can

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