Rish Academy

Endocrine System Mnemonics

Newsletter Endocrine System Mnemonics These 34 MNEMONICS will be useful for you to remember the hormones in the endocrine system. In this article, we’ve listed the most useful mnemonics for the endocrine system. 1) 7 products in the Anterior Pituitary FLAT PEG Mnemonic for Anterior Pituitary Hormones is one of the most popular and useful mnemonics.  “FLAT PEG“ Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Lutinizing hormone (LH) Adrenocorticotropin hormone (aCTH) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Prolactin Endorphins Growth hormone (GH) 2) Adrenal cortex layers and products “Go Find Rex, Make Good Sex” Layers :  Glomerulosa Fasiculata Reticulata Respective products : Mineralcorticoids Glucocorticoids Sex hormones 3) Anterior Pituitary hormones “FLAG TOP“ FSH – Follicle stimulating hormone LH – Luteinizing hormone ACTH – Adrenocorticotropic hormone GH – Growth hormone TSH – Thyroid-stimulating hormone MSH – MelanOcyte Stimulating Hormone Prolactin3 Click the button below to Download 570+ High-Yield Medical Presentations in Emergencies in Medicine Study Resources, Orthopedics Study Resources, Gynaecology & Obstetrics Study Resources, Surgery Study Resources, and Clinical Medicine Get Lifetime Access to 570+ Medical Presentations 4) Progesterone actions “PROGESTE“ Produce cervical mucous Relax uterine smooth muscle Oxycotin sensitivity down Gonadotropin [FSH, LH] secretions down Endometrial spiral arteries and secretions up Sustain pregnancy Temperature up / Tit development Excitability of myometrium down 5) Hyperthyroidism Signs and Symptoms “THYROIDISM“ Tremor Heart rate up Yawning [fatigability] Restlessness Oligomenorrhea & amenorrhea Intolerance to heat Diarrhea Irritability Sweating Muscle wasting & weight loss 6) Cause of Hypercalcemia “SHIFT” in Calcium Sarcoidosis and other granulomatous diseases Hyperparathyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hypervitaminosis A, and D. Immobilization (increased bone resorption) Familial (Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia) Tumors, Thiazide diuretics, LiThium 7) Clinical features of Cushing’s Syndrome ”MOON FACIES” Menstrual disorders Osteopenia or Osteoporosis Obesity (Central distribution of fat) Neurosis (depression or psychosis) Face (Plethora, hirsutism, acne) Altered muscle physiology (proximal muscle weakness) Supra-Clavicular and Dorso-Cervical fat pads. Infection Elevated blood pressure Skin (Easy bruisability) Click the button below to learn more endocrine system mnemonics and mnemonics in other body systems.  Download our Medical MNEMONICS eBook 8) Hyperthyroidism Signs and Symptoms “MOM’S SO TIRED“ Memory loss Obesity Malar flush/ Menorrhagia Slowness (mentally and physically) Skin and hair dryness Onset gradual Tiredness Intolerance to cold Raised BP Energy levels fall Depression/ Delayed relaxation of reflexes 9) Causes of Addison’s disease / Adrenal insufficiency “ADDISON“ Autoimmune (Addison’s disease) Degenerative (amyloidosis) Drugs (e.g. ketoconazole) Infections (e.g. TB, HIV) Secondary (hypopituitarism) Others (adrenal bleeding) Neoplasia 10) Pheochromocytoma “Rule of 10’s” 10% extra-abdominal 10% malignant 10% bilateral 10% in children BUT 30% genetic/syndromic! 11) Pheochromocytoma – 8Ps of presentation Pallor (NOT flushing) Perspiration Panic Pain (headache) Postural dizziness Panic attack Palpitations Paradoxical hypertension in the setting of beta-receptor blockers 12) Insulinoma “Rule of 10’s” 10% are part of MEN1 syndrome 10% are multiple 10% are malignant 10% contain ectopic pancreatic tissue 13) Acute Pancreatitis ”I GET SMASHED” Idiopathic Gallstones Ethanol Trauma Steroids Mumps, Malignancy (Pancreatic cancer) Autoimmune Scorpion sting Hypercalcemia, Hypertriglyceridemia (Usually more than 1000mg/dL) ERCP Drugs (GLP-1 agonists) 14) Causes of hypoglycemia ”FEELING Dizzy” False hypoglycemia (pseudohypoglycemia not meeting Whipple’s criteria) Exogenous (insulin or insulin secretagogue) Ethanol Liver failure Immune dysfunction (stimulating anti-insulin antibodies) Neoplastic (Insulinoma or Sarcomas producing IGF-2) Glandular dysfunction (Pituitary insufficiency, Adrenal insufficiency) Drugs (quinolones, pentamidine, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors) 15) Causes of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (6 Is) Infection (urinary or respiratory tract infections) Insulinopenia (absolute in type 1 diabetes, relative in type 2 diabetes) Infarction (silent myocardial infarction) Injury (significant trauma or stress) Index presentation (newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes) Issues of adherence to insulin therapy 16) Adrenal gland functions “ACTH“ Adrenergic functions Catabolism of proteins/ Carbohydrate metabolism T cell immunomodulation Hyper/ Hypotension (blood pressure control) 17) Aldosterone: regulation of secretion from adrenal cortex “RNAs“ Renin-angiotensin mechanism Na concentraton in blood ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) Stress 18) Causes of Gynecomastia ”MAKE BREAST” Marijuana Alcohol Klinefelter syndrome Estrogen excess Baby (circulating maternal estrogens) Receptor blockers (Ketoconazole, calcium channel blockers, H2 Blockers) Elderly Antineoplastic agents (alkylating agents) Spironolactone Tumors (adrenal or testicular) Click the button below to Download 570+ High-Yield Medical Presentations in Emergencies in Medicine Study Resources, Orthopedics Study Resources, Gynaecology & Obstetrics Study Resources, Surgery Study Resources, and Clinical Medicine Get Lifetime Access to 570+ Medical Presentations  19) Hyperthyroidism Signs and Symptoms “MOM’S SO TIRED“ Memory loss Obesity Malar flush/ Menorrhagia Slowness (mentally and physically) Skin and hair dryness Onset gradual Tiredness Intolerance to cold Raised BP Energy levels fall Depression/ Delayed relaxation of reflexes  20) Causes of Addison’s disease / Adrenal insufficiency “ADDISON“ Autoimmune (Addison’s disease) Degenerative (amyloidosis) Drugs (e.g. ketoconazole) Infections (e.g. TB, HIV) Secondary (hypopituitarism) Others (adrenal bleeding) Neoplasia 21) Pheochromocytoma “Rule of 10’s” 10% extra-abdominal 10% malignant 10% bilateral 10% in children BUT 30% genetic/syndromic! 22) Pheochromocytoma – 8Ps of presentation Pallor (NOT flushing) Perspiration Panic Pain (headache) Postural dizziness Panic attack Palpitations Paradoxical hypertension in the setting of beta-receptor blockers 23) Insulinoma “Rule of 10’s” 10% are part of MEN1 syndrome 10% are multiple 10% are malignant 10% contain ectopic pancreatic tissue 24) Adrenal gland functions “ACTH“ Adrenergic functions Catabolism of proteins/ Carbohydrate metabolism T cell immunomodulation Hyper/ Hypotension (blood pressure control) 25) Aldosterone: regulation of secretion from adrenal cortex “RNAs“ Renin-angiotensin mechanism Na concentraton in blood ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) Stress Click the button below to learn more endocrine system mnemonics and mnemonics in other body systems.  Download our Medical MNEMONICS eBook 26) Glucagon function “Mr. Gluca has Gone to the cAMP to bring out some Glucose“: Glucagon elevates glucose by cAMP mechanism. 27) We can remember when glucagon levels are high because…? It is secreted when GLUCose is “GONe” 28) Testicular hormones “I ATE“ Inhibin Androgens Testosterone Estrogen 29) Ovarian hormones  “PIE“ Progesterone Inhibin Estradiol 30) Steroid Hormones “PET CAT“ Progesterone Estrogen Testosterone (androgens) Cortisol (glucococorticoids) Aldosterone Thyroid 31) Tyrosine derivative hormones “DENT“ Dopamine EPI NE Thyroxine (T4 and T3) 32) Anabolic hormone “TIG“ Testosterone Insulin GH 33) Catabolic hormone “CAT G“ Cortisol Adrenaline( EPI) Thyroid Glucagon 34) Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis  “MUDPILES“ MUDPILES is a good mnemonic for recalling the causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis. Methanol Uremia Diabetic ketoacidosis Propylene Glycol

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